
AGRU Acid gas removal unit
bcma Billion cubic metres per annum
BB Fraction (C4 Stream) Refinery gas - a variable mixture of light hydrocarbons 
BCS Booster Compressor Station
CAPEX Capital Expenditure - Investment
CEO Chief Executive Officer
CFO Chief Financial Officer 
CoP Cost of Production
C3MR Propane-precooled Mixed Refrigerant Process
СН4 Methane
С2Н6 Ethane
С3Н8 Propane
С4Н10 Butane
С5Н12 Pentane
C6Н14 Hexane
CH3OH Methanol
С5 Pentane stream (Typically for fragrances or coatings resins)
С7+ Heptane and higher hydrocarbons
i-С4Н10 i-Butane or iso-butane
СО2 Carbon dioxide
CVD Chemical Vapour Deposition (Process for Advanced Ceramics & Graphene)
CWHE Coil Wound Heat Exchanger
Butene-1 A C4 linear alpha olefin
DD Due Diligence (process covered by CCD Partners during M&A)
DEG Diethlyene Glycol
DMR Dual-Mixed Refrigerants
EIA Energy Information Administration (USA Government Body)
EPC Engineering Procurement & Construction
EPCm Engineering Procurement & Construction management 
ECA Export Credit Agencies 
FID Final Investment Decision
FS Feasibility Study
GCC Gulf Cooperation Council (Middle East)
GPC Gas Processing Complex (GPP+LNG)
GPP Gas Processing Plant
GTC Gas To Chemicals
H2 Hydrogen
He Helium
Н2О Water
H2S Hydrogen Sulphide or Hydrogen Sulfide
HDPE High density polyethylene
Hg Mercury 
Hexene-1 A C6 linear alpha olefin 
IM Information Memorandum (also known as “the book”)
JVA Joint Venture Arrangement 
LAO Linear alpha olefins
LDPE Low density polyethylene
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LLDPE Linear low density polyethylene
LMC Lenders’ Market (Commercial) Consultant (in Non-recourse Finance Project or M&A activity)
LTC Lenders’ Technical Consultant (in a Non-recourse Finance Project or an M&A activity)
LTS Low Temperature Separation
M&A (Process) Mergers & Acquisition Process 
M&R Materials And Resources (Product Storage)
MFC Mixed Fluid Cascade process 
MEG Mono Ethylene Glycol
MET Marine Export Terminal
MDEA Methyl diethanolamine
MTPA Million Tonnes Per Annum
N2 Nitrogen
NaOH Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda – one of the outputs of Chlorine production)
NGLs Natural Gas Liquids
OPEX Operating Expenditure 
OTC Owners’ Technical Consultancy
O2 Oxygen
PE Polyethylene
PET Polyethylene Terephthalate (Polyester resin for fibres and plastics)
PO Propylene Oxide Propylenepropylene Oxide
PP Polypropylene
PMI Post Merger Integration (CCD Partners’ Strategic M&A Offering to add value to a Merger)
PoR Port of Rotterdam
ppb Parts per billion
ppm Parts per million 
PZT Lead Titanate Zirconate (piezo ceramic covered by CCD Partners in Due Diligence)
RDI Russian Design Institute
REO Rare Earth Oxide (Oxide forms of Rare Earth Metals covered by CCD Partners in M&A)
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
TS Technology Supplier 
USD US Dollars
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